Integrative therapy is a type of therapy that looks at the entire person as a whole and not just one specific area. For example, an integrative psychiatrist may prescribe medication but also look at your nutrition, emotional state, and even touch on your spirituality. Just as your body can’t function with only one organ, neither can wellness as a whole be achieved with one focus of treatment.

Understanding Integrative Psychiatry

Psychiatry is geared towards looking at a person’s symptoms and treating them with a psychological approach and – depending on the individual situation – medication. Integrative psychiatry focuses on the entire well being of an individual. This encompasses all aspects including mental, spiritual, and physical. Nutrition plays an important role in mental health. Sounds weird, right? It’s true. The fuel you put into your body has an effect on blood sugar levels, blood pressure, energy levels, and much more. If the body isn’t functioning at its optimal level, your brain won’t have the power it needs to function optimally either.

Understanding your spiritual and emotional needs helps the therapist put all the pieces together when developing a treatment plan that is unique to you. This method of therapy is certainly not a one-size-fits-all approach. It is tailored to each person so you can achieve the highest level of wellness.

Integrative psychiatrists are not opposed to medication, but they will consider more natural remedies first. This could include herbal supplements and vitamins. Dietary changes are also very effective in treating certain diagnoses and a great alternative to prescription medication.

Taconic Psychiatry – Your Integrative Psychiatrist Specialists

If you are a licensed psychiatrist who would like to learn more, the integrative psychiatry institute is a great source of information. If you are an individual seeking alternative methods of treatment for your psychological needs, Taconic Psychiatry is here for you! At Taconic Psychiatry, we have treated many people successfully for countless issues. Call us today at (802) 768-9136 or click here to connect with us online.